What to Do if You Suspect You Have Coronavirus?


  • Stay calm. Don’t panic. Having symptoms doesn’t mean you have the Coronavirus. Common cold and flu shares many similar symptoms. 


  • Call your health care provider immediately. Do not walk into Urgent Care or Emergency Room unless instructed to do so. This is extremely important in order to protect yourself and your family from being exposed to possible virus in the Urgent Care or Emergency Room. 
  • Call COVID-19 direct lines. Most health care providers have direct lines for COVID-19. These lines are typically 24 hours and are answered by trained health care personnel to address questions specific to the Coronavirus.
  • Follow the instructions of your medical provider. Coronavirus is an outbreak that affects the whole community. Your medical provider is quickly making plans and changes to adapt to the growing need. Your collaboration could help them treat cases more effectively and efficiently.  
  • Ask questions and clarifications. Your doctor and nurses are racing against time, they are not able to always explain everything in full detail. If you feel unclear about certain things, do not hesitate to ask and seek clarification. 


  • Practice social isolation. Refrain from being in close contact (3-4 feet) with others. Don’t go out unless you absolutely have to. If you have to buy food, try to do so as quick as possible making as few stops as possible. 


  • Find support if you are diagnosed with COVID-19. This might be a tough time for you. Chances are you will overcome the disease. But the process could be scary nonetheless. Reach out to your close family member, friend, and/or support group. Ask for prayers and support. 

(Information from OC Health Care Agency and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health )