
Pastor Gina Gleason

Gina Gleason is the Executive Director of Faith and Public Policy and is widely recognized for being a pioneering leader in the field of Culture Impact Team training. Gina helps lay leaders as they start church Culture Impact Team teams which are designed to monitor legislation, and cultural activities, and elections for the pastor and the congregation. She believes pastors and churches are the key to leading our communities, states, and the nation back to our biblical roots and, thus, impacting our entire culture.

Gina Gleason is also a public speaker about the sex education being taught in California public schools. Subjects that most adults would consider sexually explicit are included in state and district sanctioned curriculum. While some people find it hard to believe, Gina provides the facts and the proof about California’s new Comprehensive Sexual Education. To preview one of the curriculums that is offered, visit Advocates for Youth at www.advocatesforyouth.organd their video outlet Amaze at www.amaze.org.

Gina and her husband John have been married for over 40 years and together have 3 children, 5 grandchildren, and reside in Southern California.

胡慧玲 牧师

胡牧師任國際真愛家庭協會(Family Keepers International)事工副會長,經常受邀至海內外華人教會及社區主持講座及培訓, 並客座授教於幾所華人神學院。畢業於美國加州富樂頓(Fullerton)州立大學心理系及金門神學院(Golden Gate Theological Seminary)道學碩士,富勒神學院(Fuller Theological Seminary)教牧博士。曾任職亞太家庭服務中心(Asian Pacific Family Center)家庭教育專任講師,聖喜台福教會傳道及社區服務中心主任,及美國生活廣播電台主持週末快樂家庭大贏家。出版家庭書籍及光碟課程包括: 婚姻保鮮膜,管教有方12招,青春不叛逆 – 抓住青少年的心,再綻芬芳-邁向精采的下半場,溝通紅綠燈,怒氣及壓力管理等。