
我的YIA 經驗談….. 

How I have learned and grown from YIA…..


From a student who just need hours to fill in school volunteer sheet, now I become willing, proud, and glad to help since my works can provide support to under served groups in Orange County. Looking back to the past events, they have not only created the greatest impact on me, but also taught me valuable lessons on how youth’s actions can be significant to help the community. The lessons and experience I gained from YIA are very valuable and useful in my life. I take more initiative during events and leading students. With all developed skills I learned from YIA, I believe I can encourage more youth to join.

Jessica Xu,  YIA Student Leader (2018 – 2019)


Hello, my name is Lilian Huang and I’ve been in YIA for 5 years. These years of volunteer and training have really impacted me not only as a student but also as a leader. The counselors in YIA have taught me the importance of being a good role model to others. Their kindness and dependability inspire me to treat others well and to take responsibility in whatever situation. Whenever I volunteer with other students, it makes me realize the joy of working with others to better each other and the community around us. This desire to work with others has led to many beautiful results, and I hope that it will lead me to help create a better world.

Lilian Huang,  YIA graduate (2014 – 2019)

我是Julian,我參加YIA已經三年了。在YIA 我學會了很多對我個人很有幫助的領導技巧,像是如何成為好的領導者、與人相處之道和克服自己的恐懼。作為一位領導者需承擔責任,也並不表示你能讓大家都做到你的要求,必須考慮到當時的情況和誰是最適合的人選。一旦與人相處愉快,事情就會變得容易些,我很高興能在YIA認識了許多朋友,在時間的推進下,我們更加了解彼此而成為好友。從義工服務活動中,我也學習到如何克服我們面對陌生人的恐懼,進而建立起與他人的互信關係,也對所服務的社區有了更深入的了解。

Hello, my name is Julian Lin and I’ve been in the YIA for 3 years. Being in YIA, I learned a lot of leadership skills that helped me in my personal life. Some of those things include how to be a good leader, how to get along with others, and how to overcome my fears. Being a leader is a lot of responsibility but it doesn’t mean you can make them do what you want. You have to consider the situation at hand and see who is suitable for what tasks. If you can get along with the people around you, things can be easier. While I was in this program, I made a lot of friends and throughout those years, we became good friends. During my time in YIA, I learned to overcome some of my fears. Things like talking to strangers and doing community service. However, as time went on, I started making connections with other people and the organizations that we serve.

Julian Lin,  YIA graduate (2015-2018)

YIA 動感青年秋季班即將於9/14開學,不僅延續「寓教於樂」的義工社區服務活動,更加以專題訓練課程來提升學生溝通、適應、組織、領導等軟實力。學生有專任輔導員指導,鼓勵,並接受評估,期末有機會得到不同獎項和獎學金.持續参加者更有機會升级成為Student leader,.参與更深入的策劃帶動工作,培養领導能力! 學生們所有的參與時數均可累積成


大家心動不如行動,趕快掃描下列的QR Code為您家中的初,高中生報名加入YIA的行列!  名額有限,把握機會!

Our Fall Session not only includes various community service projects, but also opportunities for students to improve in their leadership, communication & project management skills. We provide mentorship & evaluation for your students through our team of YIA advisors & counselors. Continuing students will also receive the chance to be promoted to Student Leaders & qualify for awards & scholarships. Limited spots are available! Don’t miss out on yours, and sign up now!

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